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According from the survey by British Science Museum, guys would roughly tell three times a day, that's about 1, 092 lie a year.

The following are the top 10 lies that a man will tell to their woman.

1. I Didn't Have That Much To Drink

This is the most popular that men tell to women. Girls would also say this but not that frequent.

2. Nothing's Wrong. I'm Fine

Not just women but also men hide their feelings.

3. I Had No Signal

If guys don't want to talk to someone, most especially to women, this is one of the most effective alibi.

4. It Wasn't That Expensive

Guys will try to impress the girls. So if the guy will buy for the girls, he would jusy say that the price is nothing even if that was the last money in his wallet.

5. I'm On My Way

If the guys would say that he's on his way, well, try to verify is he really is.

6. I'm Stuck in Traffic

Just to excuse of being late, guys would usually use this phrase.

7. No, Your Bum Doesn't Look Big in That

Guys would usually lie if he knows that girl don't want to hear negative comments for her body.

8. Sorry, I Missed Your Call

The truth is? He just don't want to answer your call.

9. You've Lost Weight

You can't deny that you want to hear some compliments from a guy. Since guys knew that fact already, he would sometimes lie just to make you smile.

10. It's what I've Always wanted

This can refer to everyone. But this mostly happens to guys because they don't want to hurt the giver's feelings.



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